
Picks the default encoding for the given code point type. In all cases, this just points a given code point type to ztd::text::utf8. Errors if there is no default association.


User Specializations: ✔️ Okay! You can add other types to this classification by specializing the class template. Your specialization must have a type definition named type (as in, using type = ...; or typedef … type;`) inside of the class specialization that is public:-ly accessible. Note that specializing any type not explicitly marked with this notice is ☢️☢️Undefined Behavior☢️☢️.

template<typename _Type>
class default_code_point_encoding : public __default_code_point_encoding<_Type, false>

The default encoding associated with a given code point type, that serves as either input to an encode operation or output from decode operation.

Template Parameters:

_Type – The code point type, with no cv-qualifiers

template<typename _Type>
using ztd::text::default_code_point_encoding_t = typename default_code_point_encoding<_Type>::type

A typename alias for ztd::text::default_code_point_encoding.

Template Parameters:

_Type – The code point type, with no cv-qualifiers

template<typename _Type>
class default_consteval_code_point_encoding : public __default_code_point_encoding<_Type, true>

The default encoding associated with a given code point type, that serves as either input to an encode operation or output from decode operation. This uses additional information that this is at compile time, not run time, to help make a decision as to what to do.

Template Parameters:

_Type – The code point type, with no cv-qualifiers

template<typename _Type>
using ztd::text::default_consteval_code_point_encoding_t = typename default_consteval_code_point_encoding<_Type>::type

A typename alias for ztd::text::default_consteval_code_point_encoding.

Template Parameters:

_Type – The code point type, with no cv-qualifiers